Recently, the results of Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of the Chinese Institute of Electronics in 2020 announced. Since 2016, China Institute of Electronics (CEE) has set up the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, aiming to discover, cultivate and recommend talents, and promote the technological progress and innovation in the field of electronic information. This award is selected once a year, each time the selection of excellent doctoral thesis does not exceed 20% of the total number of participating thesis.
In this selection, CEE received 168 doctoral dissertations. Through the strict selection procedure, a total of 30 dissertations were prized as Excellent Doctoral Dissertations including two from the Department of Electronics of Peking University.

One is the doctoral dissertation of Dr. Liu Lijun entitled “High-performance carbon-nanotube-based CMOS devices and integrated circuits” (Supervisor: Prof. Zhang Zhiyong, Key Laboratory for the Physics and Chemistry of Nanodevices). His doctoral dissertation achieved some breakthroughs and progress on key issues in the field of nanoelectronics. So far, he has published 5 research papers as the first author on the top international journals such as Science, ACS Nano and Nano Research.

The other one is the doctoral dissertation of Dr. Yin Xuefan entitled "Analyses upon radiation manipulation in photonic crystals based on topological charges” (Supervisor: Prof. Li zheng-bin, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks). Combining theoretical research and specific experiments, from the perspective of topology, her dissertation focusd on the special geometric properties of the band of non-Hermitian photonic crystals, and studied the light radiation in detail. As the first author, she has published two papers in top-tier journals Nature and Physical Review B.
Previously, the above two dissertations were also awarded as the Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of Peking University.