Research Assistant Professor
Research Center for Carbon-based Electronics
Research Interests: Carbon-based Electronics, Spintronics
Email: yjzhang11[at]pku.edu.cn
Selected Publications:
1. Zhang Y.J., Zhang X., Li Y., Zhao S., Hou S. M., Wu K., Wang Y. F. (2020) Packing Sierpiński Triangles into Two-Dimensional Crystals.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(42):17928-17932.
2. Zhang Y. J., Liao P. L., Wang K., Huang Z. C., Wang Y. F., Liu J., Chen Q. W., Jiang J. Z., Wu K. (2018) Detection and manipulation of charge states for double-decker DyPc2molecules on ultrathin CuO films.ACS Nano, 12(3): 2991-2997.
3. Zhang Y. J., Lu J. T., Brandbyge, M., Wang Y. F., Berndt R. (2017) Mechanochemistry Induced Using Force Exerted by a Functionalized Microscope Tip.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56(39): 11769-11773.
4. Zhang Y. J., Liao P. L., Kan J. L., Yin C., Li N., Liu J., Chen Q. W., Wang Y. F., Chen W., Xu G. Q., Jiang J. Z., Berndt R., Wu K. (2015) Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study on the Electronic Properties of a Double-Decker DyPc2Molecule at the Surface.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(40): 27019-27026.
5. Wu T. H., Liu L., Zhang Y. J., Wang Y., Shen Z., Li N., Berndt R., Hou S., Wang Y. F. (2020) Tuning rotation axes of single molecular rotors by a combination of single-atom manipulation and single-molecule chemistry.Chemical Communications, 56(6):968-971.
6. Liu J., Chen Q.W., Cai K., Li J., Li Y., Yang X., Zhang Y.J., Wang Y.F., Tang H., Zhao D., Wu K. (2019) Stepwise on-Surface Dissymmetric Reaction to Construct Binodal Organometallic Network.Nature Communications, 10(1): 2545.
7. Song H. J., Zhu H., Huang Z. C., Zhang Y. J., Zhao W. H., Liu J., Chen Q.W., Yin C., Xing L., Peng Z., Liao P., Wang Y. F., Wang Y., Wu K. (2019) Steering the Achiral into Chiral with a Self-Assembly Strategy.ACS Nano13(6):7202-7208.