Wei, Xianlong

Tenured Associate Professor

Institute of Physical Electronics

Research Interests: Vacuum nanoelectronics, in-situ electron microscopy

Office Phone: 86-10-6275 5317

Email: weixl[at]pku.edu.cn

Wei, Xianlong is a Tenure Track Associte Professor in the School of Electronics. He obtained his B.Sc. from Beijing Normal University in 2004, and Ph.D. from Peking University in 2009. His research interests include vacuum nanoelectronics, and in-situ electron microscopy.

Dr. Wei has published more than 60 peer-reviewed papers, with 14 first/corresponding author papers published on top journals of SCI IF>10 (e.g. Nature Communications, Nano letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, etc.). His papers have been cited by more than 1200 times in Web of Science with an H index of 18. Four invention patents of him were authorized. He was the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China.

Dr. Wei has obtained the following research achievements:

1) He has developed several in-situ electron microscopy methods for the mechanical and electrical properties of single nanomaterials. By using the developed methods, he has thoroughly studied important physical properties of carbon and boron nitride nanomaterials,i.e.mechanical resonance, fracture strength and toughness, electron emission and electromechanical properties, with the property-structure relationship being well established.

2) He provided direct experimental proofs for the breakdown of classical Richardson’s law in thermionic electron emission from single nanostructures, and a new emission mechanism named phonon-assisted electron emission was proposed by him.

3) He has scaled down thermionic electron sources to the microscale for the first time, and successfully realized microscale thermionic electron source arrays and high-performance microscale vacuum transistors based on microscale thermionic sources.